Jovecito E-Cigar by Smoker Stax: Quick Review

This E-cigar sample was provided by Smoker Stax at I took these on to review not as a cigar replacement, who would want to stop smoking cigars anyway, but as a cigarette replacement since I do want to quit using those nasty things.

So anyway, this Jovencito e-cigar is pretty neat so far. It's about 6 x 46 in size, it almost has the heft and feel of a cigar and this model has pretty good cigar-like flavors. On it states this model has a flavor mix of rum, chocolate and smokey tobacco. I can taste all the flavors mentioned and this unit does remind me of a very mild cigar.

With a $19.95 price tag, if the unit delivers the 1800 puffs stated on the package it would save me about $35.00 in cigarette costs. Not to bad.

Rated 9.2


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