Press Release: Famous Smoke Shop Announces the Release of their Exclusive Cigar #Famous
Famous Smoke Shop is a leading online distributor of discounted premium cigars. The company specializes in offering the web’s widest selection of cigars at the lowest prices. Famous has just released #Famous to their repertoire of exclusive cigars available at . In conjunction with this release a detailed video review on their new cigar #Famous is offered in association with their digital cigar and men’s lifestyle magazine Cigar Advisor. [Click Here for Video Review] Cigar Advisor is an online cigar magazine that brings a fresh, irreverent, and down-to-earth perspective on all things cigars to thousands of smokers. In addition to educational cigar content and behind-the-scenes cigar industry articles from some of the business’s top names, Cigar Advisor delivers an array of content about a variety of topics of interest to people who enjoy the cigar lifestyle.
#Famous has been a highly anticipated release in the cigar industry due to its immense flavor and nearly flawless construction. This line has been blended by Nestor Plasencia and rolled in his factory in Nicaragua using a flavorful and semi-spicy Nicaraguan wrapper along with a mild blend of filler tobaccos to mellow the smoking experience out while still maintaining a taste that appeals to mild to full bodied smokers alike.
Cigar Advisor Copywriter and Cigar Reviewer Jonathan Detore said of #Famous ‘This is one of the most revolutionary cigars to hit the market in a long while. The flavor is a mix between creamy, nutty, vanilla, with a sweetness that brings all these notes together for a smoking experience that is nothing short of spectacularly relaxing. It’s great in the morning with a cup of coffee, preferably with some cream and sugar, or even at night after a meal as a dessert cigar. Really, it’s a great any-time of day smoke. What’s even better is the humidification jars these stellar cigars come in. It’s an air tight humidification jar that ensures each shipment of cigars is fresh from Famous shipping the cigars, to the customer receiving the cigars. For the price, you can’t get much better than #Famous.”
#Famous cigars are now available at Famous Smoke Shop, and is packaged in innovative humidification jars with the 4 x 38 Petite Corona vitola coming in a jar of 36 cigars, and a 6 x 50 Toro vitola coming in jars of 19. The individual MSRP on the Petite Corona is $2.28 and the MSRP on the Toro vitola is 4.14. People interested in learning more about #Famous Cigars or Famous Smoke Shop should visit or call 800-564-2486. For those interested in learning more about Cigar Advisor, log on to
Famous Smoke Shop
90 Mort Drive
Easton, PA 18040
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