India Monsooned Malabar Medium/Dark From Captive Coffee

Indian Monsooned Malabar from
Bright nuances of fruit followed by smooth notes of cocoa and caramel with an added hint of spice make this coffee an excellent choice as a breakfast brew. 

Captive Coffee
Spokane, WA
India Monsooned Malabar
Origin: India
Brewing Method: Pour-over
Price: $11.00 - 8 ounce bag.

Captive Coffee is new to the roasting scene here in Spokane and I've been lucky enough to procure several samples to review over the next couple of weeks.

This first sample of India Monsooned Malabar is a Full City + roast and knew it was going to be good just breaking the bag's seal. From the bag, as well as the ground beans, there are vivid notes of sweet fruit and toasted pecans that radiate to greet my nose.

Several feet away from the brewed cup there's a pleasant aroma of toasted pecans with a hint of cocoa. The first sips give a splash of bright fruit and a hint of earthy spice that provides a cleansing, mouthwatering palate wash that lasts until the next sip. As the coffee cools the fruity acidity begins to fade and cocoa takes over as the predominate flavor while a syrupy mouth-feel builds, yet there is still a hint of earthy spice present.

Overall this sample of India Monsooned Malabar from Captive Coffee brewed into a nice, complex cup. The bright fruit up front was a enough to wake the palate, then as the coffee cooled it became smooth and creamy. There was no bitterness found and the coffee produced a clean cup.

Rated 93


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