Regius Cigars Exclusivo U.S.A. Toro Extra

Regius Cigars Exclusivo U.S.A. Toro Extra
Well, the journey through this new line of Exclusivo U.S.A. Cigars from Regius Cigars draws to a close with this Toro Extra. Let me say, this may be the most interesting cigar of the line.

This Regius Cigars Exclusivo U.S.A. Toro Extra, starts out mild and sweet then BAM, about two thirds through it hits with a full bodied mix of bold and earthy flavors.

But, lets back up a bit. Looking at this Toro Extra the quality of construction radiates from the cigar. The oily, smooth, Colorado Claro colored wrapper contains only the finest of veins and it's rolled on with seamless precision. Feeling down the body, the cigar is packed well and the cigar has a neat little pig-tail cap. From the foot there are aromas to the nose of fermented, fruity tobacco and the firm cold draw tastes like spicy Spanish cedar.

After clipping off the pig-tail cap, toasting the foot and lighting this beauty up, the first puffs are mild bodied with a sweet Chai tea flavor. In the first two thirds there are flavor nuances of nuts, coffee, raw sugar, leather and toasted marshmallow. To this point the burn has been razor sharp and the cigar produces a huge volume of smoke. In the final third, everything about this cigar changes. The body jumps right into the full range and the sweet mild flavors are replaced by deep rich notes of earth, damp leather, molasses, charcoal and black pepper. At this time the burn takes of and gets pretty wavy, bad enough it needed a quick correction. The cigar finishes it's seventy minute burn with a tasty, very full bodied mix of charcoal and molasses. 

On the Regius Cigars Exclusivo U.S.A. web site it says, "This cigar is a more full bodied blend which develops in flavour, reaching a crescendo two-thirds of the way through. Smooth until the end, the cigar is long, rich and satisfying".  Boy did Regius Cigars get that right.

Overall this was a really nice cigar. It had top of the line construction and a great tasting, complex flavor mix. This Exclusivo U.S.A. Toro Extra is a cigar everyone should experience!

Rated 92


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