Cuban Stock Cigar: Maduro Triumph
The Cuban Stock Cigars Triumph is an interesting cigar. It is rolled with tobaccos aged for 10 years in oak barrels. I have previously reviewed the Triumph with the natural wrapper and rated it a 94. I am excited and can't wait to give this one a try.
Quick Details
As with all other Cuban Stock Cigars, construction of the maduro Triumph was spot on. It has a nice dark and toothy wrapper that only contains a couple of fine veins. The cold aroma radiating from the foot was a blend of tobacco and Oak. Once the end was clipped, the cold draw was even, smooth and tasted of Oak, tobacco with just a hint of black pepper.
Smoking experience:
Once the cigar was toasted and burning the flavor notes from the first few puffs were a full bodied mix of Oak, earth and pepper. With each additional puff the pepper faded and by the time I was 1/4" into the stick the pepper was gone and all I could then taste was a mx of Oak and earth. The cigar produced a nice amount of burnt Oak scented smoke, the burn line was sharp and it left behind a tight light grey ash that held on until the half way point.
About an inch into the cigar a nice mocha sweetness started to develop pushing away the notes of Oak and mixing with the earthiness creating a very tasty flavor mix. These flavor notes continued until about the final third where charcoal replaced the earth leaving me with a nice burnt mocha flavored cigar. I love that flavor mix!
Final thoughts:
If you like a maduro wrapper and a full flavor cigar, this is a good one. The construction was spot on, the burn was crisp and the flavor mix was solid, other than the pepper in the first moments. Every thing I have smoked that Cuban Stock Cigars produces I have found to be top notch!
Appearance and construction: 19
Flavor: 18
Smoking characteristics: 19
Overall experience: 19
Purchased Price: 18
Total 93
Quick Details
- Cigar Size: 6 x 52
- Origin: Dominican Republic
- Wrapper: Dominican Maduro Special (DMS).
- Binder: Dominican
- Filler: Blanded Dominican
- Price: $6.25 Online
As with all other Cuban Stock Cigars, construction of the maduro Triumph was spot on. It has a nice dark and toothy wrapper that only contains a couple of fine veins. The cold aroma radiating from the foot was a blend of tobacco and Oak. Once the end was clipped, the cold draw was even, smooth and tasted of Oak, tobacco with just a hint of black pepper.
Smoking experience:
Once the cigar was toasted and burning the flavor notes from the first few puffs were a full bodied mix of Oak, earth and pepper. With each additional puff the pepper faded and by the time I was 1/4" into the stick the pepper was gone and all I could then taste was a mx of Oak and earth. The cigar produced a nice amount of burnt Oak scented smoke, the burn line was sharp and it left behind a tight light grey ash that held on until the half way point.
About an inch into the cigar a nice mocha sweetness started to develop pushing away the notes of Oak and mixing with the earthiness creating a very tasty flavor mix. These flavor notes continued until about the final third where charcoal replaced the earth leaving me with a nice burnt mocha flavored cigar. I love that flavor mix!
Final thoughts:
If you like a maduro wrapper and a full flavor cigar, this is a good one. The construction was spot on, the burn was crisp and the flavor mix was solid, other than the pepper in the first moments. Every thing I have smoked that Cuban Stock Cigars produces I have found to be top notch!
Appearance and construction: 19
Flavor: 18
Smoking characteristics: 19
Overall experience: 19
Purchased Price: 18
Total 93
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