Davidoff Cigars Launches ’Pause’- A New Assortment Of Short Cigars

A new assortment of short cigars ideal for aficionados wanting to put the day on hold.

Basel, January 2015. Davidoff strives to ensure that time is filled beautifully, however short that time may be. Recognising that today’s hectic lifestyle leaves little time to enjoy the finer things, Davidoff  has assembled this refined selection of shorter format cigars.

The new Davidoff ’Pause’ assortment presents a great opportunity to discover various Davidoff ranges and helps the aficionado to put the day on hold. The handmade cigars that make up the assortment have a diverse taste profile and palate stimulations which can be enjoyed within 35 minutes.

"Davidoff ’Pause’ is ideal for aficionados who lead a life filled with commitments, but who would love toput aside a little time in their day to savour a delicious cigar. Luxury when time is a luxury,” says Charles Awad, Senior Vice President Marketing & Innovation at Oettinger Davidoff AG.

About the Davidoff ’Pause’ time out assortment

This assortment of five cigars is composed of the smooth “Entreacto” and “Millenium Blend Short
Robusto”, the richer, more intense “Nicaragua Short Corona”, the new spicy “Nicaragua Primeros” and the most intense “Puro d’Oro Sublimes”. Thanks to the different cigar formats and taste profiles, the aficionado can choose, from smooth to full body, savour aromatic to bitter sweet palate stimulation, and find the appropriate short cigar to be enjoyed when he has a short moment in his hectic day.

The assortment includes, for the first time, the new handmade “Primeros by Davidoff Nicaragua”,
which are ideal for short moments of escape within 15 minutes. These small cigars offer the same
taste experience as the regular Davidoff “Nicaragua” line: peppery and creamy, with a bitter sweet
aftertaste, deep flavours and a medium strength.

About the tobacco and taste profile:

Davidoff Entreacto
Wrapper : Ecuador
Binder & Filler: Dominican Republic
Aroma: unconventional and harmonious

Davidoff MB Short Robusto
Wrapper : Ecuador
Binder & Filler : Dominican Republic
Aroma: refined and intense

Davidoff Nicaragua Short Corona
Wrapper : Nicaragua
Binder & Filler : Nicaragua
Aroma: spicy and adventurous

Davidoff Puro d‘Oro Sublimes
Wrapper : Dominican Republic
Binder & Filler : Dominican Republic
Aroma: pure and rich

Primeros by Davidoff Nicaragua
Wrapper : Nicaragua
Binder : Ecuador
Filler : Dominican Republic and Nicaragua
Aroma: spicy and adventurous

A guide to the various strengths is contained within the ’Pause’ assortment, making the choice of the
right cigar for the right moment easy.

Launch and availability

This new Davidoff ’Pause’ assortment is available to cigar aficionados at Appointed Merchants and
Davidoff Flagship Stores worldwide from January 1st 2015.

Manufacturer suggested retail price per assortment: $ 46.60.

Media Contact:
Oettinger Davidoff AG
Corporate Communications
Hochbergerstrasse 15
CH – 4002 Basel
Tel. +41 61 279 36 24
davidoff.com | @Davidoff_Cigars | facebook.com/DavidoffCigars1911


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