Davidoff Cigars Unveils The First Exclusive Editions 2015.
Davidoff Cigars unveils the first Davidoff Exclusive Editions 2015.
Unique cigars tailor made exclusively for key Davidoff retail partners globally
Basel, February 2015.
To celebrate the successful business relationships between Oettinger Davidoff AG and its indespensible business partners around the world, Davidoff Cigars has created Premium Exclusive Editions designed for its Davidoff Flagship Stores, Appointed Merchants and top Travel Retail Accounts. The Davidoff Exclusive cigars that make up these various Editions are as unique and distinctive as a country, a city or a city’s skyline. Blended to match the palates of those who will have the opportunity to enjoy them, they will be available in limited quantities only.
“At Davidoff, our mission is to fill the aficionados’ time beautifully, delighting and surprising aficionados and key retail partners worldwide, by crafting exceptional cigars and creating unrivalled retail experiences. With these bespoke Exclusive Editions, we are taking service and experience to a higher and more personal level,” says Charles Awad, Senior Vice President Marketing & Innovation at Oettinger Davidoff AG.
The following Davidoff Exclusives are planned in 2015:
Davidoff Exclusive Hong Kong (available only in Davidoff’s Flagship Stores in Hong Kong)
Davidoff Exclusive Tokyo (available only in Davidoff’s Flagship Stores in Tokyo)
Davidoff Exclusive Heinemann (available only in Heinemann’s top Duty Free shops)
Davidoff Exclusive Madison Avenue (available only in the Davidoff Madison Flagship Store)
Davidoff Exclusive Russia (available only in Russia)
About Davidoff Exclusive Flagship Store Editions
An elegant bespoke Exclusive Edition is now available for customers of Davidoff Flagship Stores and key retail partners. Store managers can choose their own blend according to their local customers’ taste preferences as well as a customized second ring. Each cigar box will feature a store identifier and the skyline of the city which is home to the Flagship Store or a design relevant to the retailer. These editions will be very limited and will be an exciting proposition for cigar collectors.
Launch and availability
The Davidoff Exclusive Edition 2015 boxes will be available in limited quantities at Appointed Merchants in the US, starting in March 2015 (and at the beginning of every year), as well as at specific Davidoff Flagship Stores/Depositaires worldwide from March 2015.
Oettinger Davidoff AG
Corporate Communications
Hochbergerstrasse 15
CH – 4002 Basel
Tel. +41 61 279 36 24
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